Wednesday 19 June 2013

Well, hello there!

I figured now would be the perfect time to start a blog; having just finished four years at Nottingham Trent University, I have the world at my feet and no idea where it will take me. So, here's your invitation into my odd little existence. The concept of focusing on myself is a little odd to me but I'll try my best because I have recently starting following some awesome bloggers and want to have a go!! There will be no particular theme to my blog, I am no expert on anything, but am interested in many things. There are some amazing fashion and beauty bloggers I have discovered lately and I'm not even gonna try and be as good as them, but I will let you know of any good finds and what not along the way. Music, films and books are also huge aspects of my life so you can expect plenty of favourites and reviews along the way too.
Mainly, I'm just quite intrigued to see where life takes me and if writing it down works well. I'm going to make this as honest as I can in the hopes that that will make my blog more interesting for anyone who comes across it. I've been battling severe depression and anxiety for 18 months and I can't deny that that has a huge impact on my life. However, I am truly grateful for all the opportunities that I have and I know that this is just the beginning and it will not be easy but I have no choice but to make the best of it, and that starts with being honest. I feel like I'm at one of those AA meetings you see on films, "Hi, I'm Becca and I'm depressed." So there it is.
Moving on to lighter topics and life in general, I'll be flattered if even one person reads my blog! Can't guarantee what you're going to get from it but hopefully it will make a good read!


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