Thursday, 26 June 2014

Because you're worth it?

Recently I can't stop thinking about how you determine your self worth as an individual. 
I've been feeling so overwhelmed and rubbish and just generally bad about myself and that has lead to me feeling really worthless as a human. 
I can't stop thinking about all the wonderful people surrounding me and the lengths to which they go to support me and make me happy. I am so so grateful for this but I truly don't feel I deserve it. 
I know that most, if not all of these feeling are coming from my evil pal depression, but I can't help feeling that I really am a pretty lame excuse for a human, all in all; a failure. 
I know this is all my problem as well, no one else can change the way you view yourself and I guess that is what makes this such a difficult problem. There are so many things in my head telling me I'm worthless and undeserving of all you amazing folk that it really is a challenge to take them on and refocus their energy. 
I guess I just needed to vent a bit and wonder if anyone has any little thoughts that help them feel a little less rubbish and a little more worthy. I think I am in need of some positive vibes as I am running low on them myself. 

And that stupid Loreal (I think it's Loreal) slogan just keeps buzzing around my brain. Followed by every reason I am not worth it. 


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