Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Hangover Of A Broken Mind

I'm back!!
I know it has been far too long but I definitely needed the head space.
I guess you could say that a few weeks ago, I had a bit of a mini break down. (Yeah, I totally just made that a phrase). I was lower than I had been in a while, I didn't feel like I knew who I was anymore, I was frustrated with everything, I felt like I should be doing more but at the same time I was utterly petrified of everything. Needless to say, all those things in my little broken brain resulted in a pretty messy human. I could barely make sense f myself, let alone try and write words down. It was just too much.
 As usual, my mum and pals were more supportive than I could ever expect them to be in helping me try and sort my brain/life out and here I am.
Firstly, I handed my notice in at Topshop: It had just lost something for me, I was dreading going to work and crying when I came home and that just isn't healthy. I won't go into any more detail as I don't want to seem too unprofessional. The guys I worked with were incredible and I definitely owe them a hell of a lot but it was just time for me to move on.
Following on from that, I am heading back down to Cornwall for the summer looking for work again. And to be reunited with some of my favourites. I am hoping I can find some crazy intense summer hours so I can finally save up some pennies.
All of these emotions and thought processes and everything else lead to me being kind of a zombie. I've spoken before about how having these kind of lapses into a dark place can leave a sort of 'hangover' effect and that has certainly been the case. I felt exhausted and drained for quite a while. So thanks to anyone who put up with me!
The biggest thing to come from the past few weeks is that I guess you could say I mad a huge life goal for myself. I have decided that ultimately, the career I want to work towards is counselling. Probably not that difficult to understand why, I want to work with people who are struggling and help them find their way. Now, I am well aware that that is a very vague career plan, but for me, it's a pretty big deal. I want to sort out my finances so that I can then look at what courses and what path is best for me to take to figure out my future career life. Scary stuff, but it does feel kind of nice to have a goal, no matter how far away it is.
So, that's kinda it.
I am feeling quite inspired again lately, I've started drawing again and actually planning posts and things so hopefully I am back for good.

Oh, and I just got back from a beautiful 11 days in Italy with mum so expect posts on that too!

How are all you guys? What have I missed?


1 comment:

  1. Hello lovely, I've just come across your blog and it's wonderful! :)

    I just spent 14 days in Italy as well, amazing country! Did you enjoy it?

    Please check out my blog if you can,


