Sunday 16 March 2014

Too Many Thoughts About Too Many Things

I feel like I've neglected my little blog for a while and it's had a bit of a strange effect: Although I feel like I have been actually living my life and not focussing too much on online stuff, I have seeeeriously missed writing my thoughts down, it provides a cathartic affect unlike most other things. There is quite a lot going on in my brain at the moment, some good, some bad. Feel like my brain is a bit of a seesaw, happy thoughts that make me smile followed by spiralling unpleasant things that make me scared and give me a knot in my stomach. I feel like I have focussed a lot on other people recently which I know isn't a bad thing, but when you allow your life to become defined by others, it is quite easy to lose sight of what you actually want. Saying this, I don't know what I want. Frustrating really. People just amaze me, they intrigue me and terrify me and I just find individuals on a whole down right confusing. Feel like there is too much going on in my brain, I wish I could get out of my own head for a while.
Gonna stop writing because I feel like this will only become more wordy and deep and I will just depress you guys!!

On a happy note, 2 of my best pals bumped into one of my other best pals at the full moon party in Thailand last night; 30,000 people and they see each other. Made me smile.

Hope you guys are all doing good!! I am going to try and be good at writing again :)


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