Thursday 19 September 2013

All At Once..

Well, yesterday was a bit of a whirlwind! I think I was still shell-shocked when I woke up this morning! Mitch's dad kindly used his contacts to speak to a recruitment firm in Manchester who then spoke to me, asked for my CV and said they'd see what they could do. I just assumed it would be a couple of days or something before they got in touch but it was mere hours before I got a call back asking to come in for a registration meeting and that there was a job they thought I would be suited to. It was definitely better in a way that it happened so fast because I didn't have enough time to overthink things and totally freak out. I mean, I was absolutely petrified but I kind of had no option than to just go with the flow. The meeting went fine, I managed to control my nerves and speak like a normal human without crying or shaking or anything crazy. I am now awaiting an email confirming a trial/run-through for a job at Manchester Met University TOMORROW!! Crazy shit. And if that goes well, I could be starting work on Monday!! I'm trying so hard to stay calm, what's the worst that could happen right?! As long as I don't have a full on panic attack, I can do this! I am so excited that something positive is happening and that I could finally begin earning some pennies and what not but eeeek, I am so freaked out. Mind is going to be going a mile a minute until it is all sorted I think!!
I am fairly sure I'm just rambling now because my brain is all buzzy and I'm all twitchy.

How is your week going?


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