Tuesday 3 December 2013


I have sat staring at this blank page for a few minutes and my brain just cannot conjure up a witty opening so I am just gonna get going; I have started getting a few more shifts at work now which is fun and makes me feel far more productive in life. Makes me avoid thinking about how I am really not doing much and basically am failing at everything. I had a rather stressful and traumatic incident with the doctors just over a week ago, trying to even make an appointment there is never easy but they wouldn't even give me that! Despite being a bit of a let's face it, mess, they would only grant me a phone appointment which was basically me crying and asking for help. I got prescribed sleeping pills and the same antidepressants. Helpful. When I picked up my prescription, they weren't sleeping pills, just more, different antidepressants?! Useless NHS. Anyway, I take them at night and they do seem to be helping, whether it is a placebo effect or not, I have no idea, I didn't really get chance to talk about it on the phone. I have started my new counselling though!! Wahey! I was pretty nervous as counselling has been a pretty gruelling experience in the past, although I do miss my old uni counsellor Helen a lot. The new lady Nicola seems nice though, easy to talk to and productive and positive. It is a slightly different form of counselling in that although they acknowledge the past as a huge part of a person, it is more about trying to find ways to deal with the present through various techniques. It can also link into and lead to the cognitive behavioural therapy I have mentioned before so that's really good too.I am hoping it will be good for me. Yay for positive thoughts.
I have also started exercising regularly again as well. Won't lie, that makes me feel quite proud. I thought I would give the Gillian Michaels 30 Day Shred a go as I kept hearing good things. It is actually pretty good, I'm not trying to follow it too strictly or anything because I don't have a particular goal or weight loss or what not; I just want to feel better in myself, maybe tone up a bit. I usually find any form of work out video beyond cringeworthy but Jillian is relatively painless. It's an intense 20 something minute work out based around the structure of strength, cardio and abs and it has 3 levels. I am still on level one but it's going good. It is perfect for those with a short attention span like myself as you keep moving on different things without it requiring extreme hand eye coordination. I shall keep you posted on my progress. Have you tried anything like this?
How is it December already?! I can't actually believe we have nearly finished another year! I do love the festivities though; family, food, decorations, all that jazz! Also, we are now sooo close to the arrival of baby Stansfield! Yes, the due date isn't until New Years Eve but I think Chantelle is nearly ready to pop so it could be any day now! I am beyond excited to be an auntie!! We had a baby shower on Saturday which was super fun although never in my life did I think I would be sniffing a nappy and trying to guess which chocolate bar had been melted to resemble a turd.... Special times.

Have you guys got any awesome Christmas plans?


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