Friday 11 October 2013


I don't really know where to start with this film; maybe to advise that it is not for the faint hearted!!..
There is a rawness and a sense of humanity in Prisoners that is unlike many other films. It really cuts you to the core at times. The premise of the story lets you know that it isn't going to be an easy ride though; the kidnapping of two little girls and how their families deal with it, it isn't going to be a walk in the park is it. Although this is the first real blockbuster for Denis Villeneuve, his Direction is just exquisite. There is a darkness and a closeness throughout the film that sucks you in as an audience and really provokes emotions from deep down. There are a few scenes of brutality that I had to shut my eyes for because I hate certain forms of violence, but it doesn't detract from the film or anything like that. There were moments when you heard the whole audience gasp and pull back into their seats or start nudging each other and whispering, you just can't contain yourself at certain points, you have to let something out! I don't want to say much moree because of how well the story pans out, I don't wanna ruin it for people because I really recommend it if you are a fan of thrillers. There are a few threads of the plot that aren't as strong as the others but I personally didn't find that too offputting and I hope you won't either.
As for performances, Hugh Jackman is as incredible as ever, his raw masculinity and barely contained emotion are beautifully portrayed and he plays the angry and terrified father so well. Although he is almost frightening in his quest to find his daughter, you really can't help but want to root for him. Jake Gyllenhaal is also really good as Detective Loki, he has the intense investigator act down to a tee, including the little twitch that should be irritating but actually becomes quite endearing because you can see his dedication and passion.
Overall, I really enjoyed this film, considering I went to see it after a long week at work, it was quite late and it is 2 and a half hours long, that didn't stop Prisoners really pulling me in and making me a fan.

Have you seen it? What did you think?



  1. not the biggest HJ fan but was keen to look into this, a synopsis I read sounded a hell of a lot like Taken but the reviews spoke otherwise...

    1. I really recommend it Jay, there is one little aspect of it that's frustrating but definitely not like Taken. Faaaar more to it:)
